Opening/Heading: This should include your name, contact information ( cell phone or service), height, weight, age range, eye and hair color.
Body: Any lead or featured acting experience you have had belongs in this section. Use the sections: Theater, Film, Television, and Commercials. If you have done voice-overs as well, you can include that here.
List in columns the title of the piece, then your character’s name, then the place where you performed. (i.e., Once Upon a Mattress; Winnifred; Bucks County Playhouse)
Education: List here any acting programs you have attended, any production companies you were apart of as well as any schools you have gone to.
Special Skills: This is a list of skills you have that may be needed for certain roles. (i.e., Spanish speaker, horseback riding, fencing, dialects (list them), etc.
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