Part of any serious actor training involves training the lips, voice and tongue to articulate and project.
Here’s a great exercise to get you in tip-top shape for performance time. Begin by standing up straight, knees unlocked. Breathe long and deeply. Exhale through your lips in a sigh. Open your mouth very wide, and stick your tongue out. Then pull it back in.
Next, blow air through your loosely closed lips so that they flap like a horse. Stick your tongue out and move it in all four directions and hold for about 3 seconds in all directions. Then, place a pencil in your mouth, bite down, resting the pencil on top of your tongue. dig up all the tongue-twisters you can find and repeat them out-loud, correctly, 12 times with the pencil in your mouth.
Here are a few I use:
- A tutor who tooted the flute tried to tutor two tooters to toot. Said the two to their tutor: "Is it harder to toot,Or to tutor two tooters to toot?"
- The sixth sick sheik's sixth sheep's sick
- What noise annoys an oyster? The noise that annoys an oyster is a noise that knows no oyster.
- The Leith police dismisseth thee, The Leith police dismisseth us.
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