Friday, January 30, 2009

Acting Techniques Tips

Acting Techniques for Warming Up:

A well known warm-up acting routine involves re-naming your surroundings. The point of the exercise is to break down external barriers in the hopes of challenging any inner barriers that you may have.

Follow these steps:

  1. Take a deep breath

  2. Choose an object in the room, and rename it. It does not have to be a special name, just different. Example: change chair to elephant.

  3. Move on to the next object, rename it, and repeat the new name of the first object.

  4. Repeat until you have renamed everything in the room.

It sounds corny...I know. But it works for some.


LA Nickers said...

. . . and picture the audience in their skivvies.


Works every time for stage fright. Or so they say. (Actually, I think that might be a tad distracting.)



HEART OF A READY WRITER – Reading Through the Bible in 2009

Unknown said...

Hi Linda, I have not tried that one. But, I do hear that it works! Thanks for stopping by.