Ladies and Gentlemen, start your companies!
Would-be entrepreneurs at "Startup Weekend" in Atlanta, Georgia.
A 32-year-old programming consultant helped create Twitpay, a service designed to let people settle casual debts, like splitting a bar tab among friends, using the micro-blogging site Twitter.
Twitpay was one of several projects in development at "Startup Weekend", held in Atlanta, Georgia.
The event brought together more than 100 people; marketers and designers who tried to create new companies from scratch in less than three days. "The actual building of the product was about 80 to 90 percent done at Startup Weekend," Brown said.
The process began Friday evening when more than 100 entrepreneurs gathered to pitch their ideas. Organizer Lance Weatherby said about 60 ideas were presented. After a series of votes, eight or nine projects were selected, and the attendees split into groups to work on the ones they were most excited about.
The Atlanta event was the 25th Startup Weekend since the concept was created in Boulder, Colorado, in July 2007. Startup Weekends have been held across the U.S. and in a few cities in Canada and Europe. Past weekends have produced such companies as Market Monitor, a search engine optimization tool, and iDream, an online collection of dreams and dream interpretations.
Clayton Stobbs, the interim CEO of Startup Weekend, says interest in the event has grown with the recent economic crisis.
"Startup Weekend is more of a time commitment than a big expense," he said.
It does not take long to start a business these days. Startup Weekend help people do it in 54 hours. All you need is the idea. Once you get your idea, you launch your website, then sell your product or present your service. With Startup Weekend you can do it all in days!